Sunday, November 14, 2010

felted "cowdog" small stuffed toy

this was harder then it looked.
It was my attempt to make this look like "April" a black and white terrier mix.
It's no where close.
A free and small pattern that had to be hand sewn to get around due to the size of it.
I will probably wear reading glasses the next time (if I make it)
surprisingly the photo came out better then the actual doggie.
I call it the "cowdog" because it looks like it.
here's the definition, old Mac users will know what it is:

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Goth-like fabric pin...made from left over fabric

center is glass beads with ripped netting fabric.
been having a weird itch to sew...machine and hand. I just made pj pants from never used fabric....from projects when kenny was a baby and discovered that with a baby, I didn't have time to make anything for him. <;0(
We also have lots of XL and XXL men's t shirt that I will cut up and make into something...might be more shorts for kenny or maybe a stuffed animal...

Monday, November 01, 2010

black kat pin- hand sewn from felt

(posted from my craft blog- I still don't know how it ends up on my fb)
so i felt like felting a felted pin.
I copied the pattern from a japanese craft book, that I cannot read, since I'm not that japanese-y, although
one day I will be....I guess I'll have to stick it out in Nihon for a couple of months to get my vocab up to speed.
sorry, random rambling.

Monday, October 11, 2010

This is Kitty Katté- a character that I've

came up from my head.
Well, probably a combination of what I've seen out there today...and therefore, not really unique or original. (You know, small dots that are eyes and far apart on the face=Japanese characters.)
I have several copies of Stuffed magazine. A magazine about hand-made softies...which has really cool softies in there and so inspirational.
Anyways, this is my blog, so let me ramble on...
My husband bought tons (literally tons) of new t-shirts. Most of them are large to I take some scissors to them and cut them up and shape them to whatever I am in the mood for. Also, I take stupid work corporate shirt and cut them up as well.
They range from bags, my son's shorts to stuffed dolls.
I came up with Kitty Katté from a conversation with my son. And thus the character is born. I am also putting together a story line for this little character in the Moleskin Notebook,
Hope I can finish it.
And I'm going to see if I can merge this story line and character with the Bleach manga that I am obsessed with. There's videos of it in English, but that translation is a bit least to my recollection of the Japanese language. So I watch the original version as played in Japan.
So you'll be seeing Kitty Katté merged in a "Shinigami" (Japanese soul reaper) costume. Or as a "Arrancar"...

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Blue Bunny amigurumi for Kenny

but with a vest.
Also, I think it was more for me, then for him <;0)
Made with left over yarn from Michael's.

Also, I have made a pink one for Kenny's friend next door...and she's all into dresses and stuff, that happens when they get around 6 years old.
So I made a long length blue dress for her pink amigurumi bunny. Plus I had to fix
the two arms that were on the verge of falling off due to handling.
(yup, I should expect kids to be rough with their toys)
I should of taken a photo of that when I had the chance...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Concept sketch for "cover" art- for a wonderful non-profit org.

I was asked to create new artwork for this wonderful non-profit organization...
(hope they like it)
The final piece will combine a acrylic abstract painting with all digital details

Monday, September 06, 2010

Another quick sketch from our travels

"Callejon De La Capilla"
Through the narrow streets of San Juan, Puerto Rico, fabulous architect of a hotel that we passed by.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quick Travel Sketches

Using my fabulous Moleskin sketchbook.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

kenny and his "tats"

he wanted a fire, then fires, then a fire breathing dragon...
luckily these wash off easy.

"Minions" from "Descipable Me"

on a lunch bag ( of course)

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

yellow rose, inspired by the roses in my backyard

watercolour pen with watercolour pencils on thick card stock.
mistake....I should of used watercolour paper.

thinking...kittykatty line of products- starting out with

cards first?
but I also want to get working on my new project too...
Wonder how this would look embroidered on a shirt?

Monday, May 31, 2010

mo' and mo' watercolours

made them into gift bags and cards for kenny's teachers. tis the end of the year and the class celebrates the appreciation of the teachers.
and finally bought into these 140 lb. Strathmore Watercolor Blank Greeting Card with matching envelope set. Pricey! It's cheaper to buy the parent sheet size of whatever watercolour paper and weight and cut them out yourselves. But if you have lack of time and just want to get straight into painting, which is me...this is the next best thing.
Also, I just bought this Japanese Waterbrush by Niji...and they are fabu! I mean, you can still watercolour using pigments from whatever source you have (cakes or tubes) and the water comes out from the brush. You don't need to carry a dish of water.
It's quick and convenient. I love it!!! Hairs on the brush is you can get control on the tips for those fine details.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

"kitty Katty" with baby in pocket

finally finished this. I guess the trip at the maker's faire did it for me.
this kitty katty has a little guy in his front pocket. I originally designed it without a pocket, just a belly...but changed it.
I think I'll need to modify the legs/feet area as well.
Made from old t-shirts and recycled felt material.
I might make another one...t-shirts as easy to come by...especially in silicon valley...but then I have this urge to re-paint our guest bathroom as well.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

don't know why. but this tiny plastic monkey toy...

that kenny got from one of those quarter vending machines...strikes a nerve with me.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Crochet iPod Nano Cozy + Choc chip banana bread

why not?
The iPod cozy is dedicated to my "T" fb friends! Thanks for the listening tips.
And the chocolate chip bread is for breakfast. So why not?

Friday, April 09, 2010

Crochet flower clips

I made these over the break for Kenny's a small "thank you" for everything.
I'm planning on making watercolour paper holders for each, to add a nice hand-made touch to everything.
The beads are made from glass from one of those bead stores, and sewn in the center.
If anyone wants one made, let me know, they take a small amount of time to make one.
I used thick black bobby pins for the hair clipping part.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The best sewing kit I've seen so far

fits like a business card.
So I found a pattern on Etsy and made my first sewn purse... which is huge because I normally makeup as I go along and make up my own the reason why some stuff that I do sew looks pretty bad.

Making more watercolor "Thank you" notes for Kenny's

Teachers. Actually his two teachers and two extended care teachers.
this fits about a 4x5 inch with pocket in the back for a gift card, front folds this flap to close.
I'm actually "happy" how this came out.

More lunch bag art
kenny loves watching this cartoon.
and so do i!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cut out and transform your ugle t into something...useful?

old t shirt.
I can't wear colours like this...
so turn it inside out and I went for it.
Cotton is still pretty good, and good to recycle right? Anyways, started on this project..with what's been swimming in my head, now I just have to finish it.
More pic. later with the results.
OH yeah, forgot to mention that I bought this magazine called "stuffed" very cool things in there. Apparently there's been this trend on "softies" or soft sculpture, basically anything that you can stuff whether it's an amigurumi or nuigurumi (
I've noticed that there's starting to be tons of resources and reference to this.
You'll start finding Japanese craft books, translated to English so we can get our hands on some really cute projects.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I'm trying out my hand at the lunch bag art

much credit and inspirations goes to:
the lunch bag artist, please check him out at:
he does awesome illustrations.

I'm not nearly as good as him...but it is fun.
Sally from the Spongbob squarepants gang is done in oil pastels...
Patrick and the bear is done in acrylic paint.
My mistake, I keep drawing on the seam of the bag and apparently I have no sense of layout...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

valentine's day phone charm

saw something like this at mitsuwa's kinokuniya bookstore and thought that I can try it out.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Nuigurumi --sewn by machine and hand

I found a free pattern of a bear.
was alot easier then I thought.
now...I want to do something wacky...maybe I'll find an old t shirt or something

Monday, February 01, 2010

uh oh...Nuigurumi

now to sew a stuffed doll/animal.
Just when I got my fill of amigurumi (to crochet or knit a stuffed doll)... now there's this.
"Nuigurumi literally means 'sew and wrap' in Japanese - but refers to rag dolls and stuffed animals!"
great. another distraction.
actually, I had no idea there was a term for this....but already started on a nuigurumi project...
stay tuned.

So I guess that little Wii krazy kat I did for Kenny counts as one.

So is "sewing" now the new "knitting"?
Check out Barnes and Noble or any book shoppie or crafty places. I am seeing tons of creative sew project books out there both using the machine and hand sewing as well.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wii game "SqueeBall" green kitty kat

made out of recycled bottles- felt material. Which I now regret because it's gett'n the fuzzies pretty bad.
but my son loves it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Keychain, purse dangle-thingy amigurumi

Well... create my smallest amigurumi ever. A keychain/cellphone/purse dangle thingy.
I had to use reading glasses to get create the arms and legs.
Anyways, I've got more 4.5mm toy eyes and hoping to make more of these.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Kenny and sidewalk chalk

well... not on the sidewalk, actually drawn in our backyard.
I was trying to draw out that bird from "Avatar"...don't think it came out.

Happy New back to amigurmis

had a very very tough year...still working on getter "better" ...but at least I'm slowly getting back to my crafting.