Thursday, December 06, 2007

Foam like clay mini sculpture

Hey, my first time doing something like this! Kenny's class always use this foam like playdoh thing. So one day after I've picked up Kenny from school he brought home some dough like thing...and I gave it a try.
The first one was a froggy - "Freddie" from the Sprout channel "Little Peoples" show.
I've decided not to paint and finish the "present" like sculpture that's in front of the froggie, because it didn't turn out right.
The second was a sculpture of a snail, because recently we found out that Grandma Betty used to eat raw snails from her garden when she was younger.
Before and after shot.
I first sculpted these little pieces and then used acrylic to paint and topped it off with gloss varnish.
I'm thinking of adding some strings to it and a tiny label just in time for X'mas tree ornament. hah.
won't grandma like this.

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