Monday, October 30, 2006

CLICK ON photo for larger image.

Kenny in his "Thomas the Train" costume.
YES! His mommy spent the past two months (off and on) working on this costume for Kenny....
And turns out that he might not even wear. Signs of screaming during costume fitting indicated that!
I didn't want all of his mommy's hard work to go to waste. So we forced him into his costume today.
(It's the day before Halloween) and took pictures.

I've learned my lesson, never spend more then a day on your kid's costume!!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Sale Pending!- "From Roy's Thesis"
someone is interested in buying my "From Roy's Thesis" mixed media/collage piece.
Wow. I'm flattered and excited all at the same time. But realistically, I won't think of it as a final sale until I get the check and it clears.
it's to a women who's building a house and she told me that this piece "speaks to her".
Anyways, I've received alot of positive feedback about this piece from the people at the gallery and other artists as well.

So my next step is to continue in this theme and start creating more collage piece based on randy's dad architectual drawings...
This probably won't happen until early 2007. I can start creating these in between any "funny" freelance job I might get.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

had so much fun doing Katie's Kritter Kap that I've decided to do another one...
Critter Cap for Connor (the takeshita family's neighbor, just had a little boy)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Kritter Kap for Katie- hand knitted cap for our friend who just had a baby girl.
And working on Kenny's "Thomas the Train" costume for this year's Halloween. This was an ambitious project, and I didn't think I can pull it off. So far I have 70% of it done. All I need to do is finish the coal part of Thomas' engine and figure out the velcro strap for Kenny. Next year, I don't think I will attempt something like this again. I love the sewing part, but this is way too time consuming. I don't even know if Kenny will wear this the entire night, since the front part is kind of bulky for a young kid going treat-o-treating.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Photo of me in front of my piece at the Pacific Art League's "Large Works" reception. Reception was a hit.
Since it was a warm Friday night in downtown Palo Alto, lots of walk-ins.
I got positive feedback from my work from other artist there.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Finally! I've joined Pacific Art League in Palo Alto (see website:
And got chosen to be in their "Large Works" show.
Yipee! my first public showing outside of my old job!!! And it's in my new style that I'm exploring.
Combination and influences of my two great influences in the fine art world, Richard Diebenkorn and Mark Rothko. Their work is absolutely timeless. Background info/links to these past artists(
Using my father-in-law's (he passed away about 6 years ago) college thesis on architectural structure analysis with mixed media and collage, I was able to come up with this piece. It stands at 4 by 5 feet and has been in my dinning room for the past year.
Cool for me.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kyoko's new collage website. Updated with Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, XML, Notepad, and Fireworks.

Visit it if you can

Click on the business card image for a closer view.

Kyoko Audrey Takeshita's "art" business card.

Note: this is the third edited version after receiving feedback.
(what a UI thing to say! hit me <;0)

Friday, August 04, 2006

my first wire crochet bracelet. beads are made of wood.
only thing is this latch is hard to pull through...

Monday, July 31, 2006

My first collage piece at Pacific Art League (PAL). Will go on show/sale the 2nd week of August.
Title is "Sparrow" as it is also shown in the Chinese character below this birdie.

I've lowered the price to $150.00.... I doubt that anyone would want to buy it.
It's small, for me at least... 16" x 20"
I'm going to blow my Univeristy Art Certificate (thanks visuals designers at Adobe!) on a very large canvas for a possible future group show in Sept.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

painting/collage I did a few years back on this photo I took of the golden gate bridge as we were driving in this stormy weather. I tend to really like the right side more then the left.

moth sketch I did in my handy "moleskine" notebook.
these are the best sketchbook ever!.
I'm going to try to not post digitally generated work on this site.
defeats the purpose of why I wanted this kind of blog.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

From my sketch book. Click on image for closer view.
(Right) Ideas for toddlers/boy's line of clothing, "Wooji Wear". Kenny's middle name is Woojin.
We used to call him Wooji when he was an infant.

(Left) Sketch for fictitious trendy store and other "anime-type" of clothing- "Robo-Boy".

Friday, June 16, 2006

Watercolor painting cards. I did most of these projects posted here over a year ago. So it's not like, "wow, you constantly craft" kind of thing. Wanted to post these images up for a while now. Monday, I'm taking a painting class, we'll see how that comes out.

Digital camera and cell phone cozies.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sketches that I've been working on for my collage series.
On the left is my aunt Mary. She died at age 12-13 while she was in Japan during the 1930's. She was my dad's older sister and to this very day, he still haven't gotten over her death.

On the right is some calililies that were growing in my backyard.
All sketches were done in pencil and charcoal.
(Note: Click on the image for a bigger view.)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Madeleine's newborn cap. She's about 4 days old when this pic. was taken.

Cotton knit Shrug. I bought this pattern off of someone from the UK. Unfortunately, I don't have the figure to wear this thing.
That's why it's on a dummy.

Mini hand bags. No pattern, I just created this by sight. I was using the felting technique... which means you knit 100% wool yarn and wash it in hot setting in the washing machine with a pair of jeans. Came out pretty cool. Learned this technique from my friend Kellie S.

Crochet flower pins and a capelet (like a mini poncho). Capelet is from the Rowan's Number 38 publication "Charlotte" but I got really cheap with the yarn and used "Lion's Brand- Wool Ease, Thick and Quick". Came out really cute and knits up very fast. The pattern worked for this yarn, unfortunately, after a few hours wearing this, you'll end up sweating! Looks best with string strap dresses and camisole/blue jeans combination.

Weird, all of a sudden I am totally paying attention to women's fashion. I don't know why, all I wear these days are ratty sweats and old t shirts. I am a complete slob. Ask my friends and neighbors.

"Light and Lacy" shawl- pattern from the "knit knack kit" by Kris Percival. This has taken me on and off for two years!
Yarn is Rowan kidsilk haze and it is not very good for fast knitting and takes a while before you see any progress.
But once I'm done, I think I'll wear it to our friends wedding.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Knitted cap, which by the way, is totally lost and gone. And a sweater for my son, Kenny. Unfortunately, after having spent all that time and calling in extra yarn to be shipped from Lake Tahoe. I really don't like how it looks. I should of made the sweater in a simple blue.

Crochet scarf and flower pin I did last winter.

Hello. Since I'm new to this blog world, you'll most likely see me post tons of photos of my on-going craft projects.
The photo next is one of my first knitted project, it's a baby booty set. So cute and took me only a few days to knit up.

Oh yeah, a bit about me... I am totally addicted to crafting like knitting, crochet, greeting cards, and just picked up sewing. I'm not a hard core knitter like the ones that you see posted, I only dabble in the simple stuff, so I'm what you call a "easy-beginner" knitter.
And it's not a good idea that I live so close to a "Michael's Arts and Craft" store. Yikes. I think this blogging thing will be great for me, now I can share all of my stuff to the world. Maybe I should of join one of those crafty blogs. (hmmm?) But I will also be posting other interests as well. I'm also into painting and mixed media, and since I just broke my website... maybe I will start posting my latest works here...

Also posted is my very latest project... a Japanese "Happi" coat for my son. Background on the happi coat here- . Fabric was purchased in Santa Cruz -
It's a cool store, they specialize in Hawaiian and Asian fabrics. I'll be going back for sure.